The "Tholos" (named after its architect, Theodoros of Phokis) is perhaps one of the most iconic and well know structures among all the ruins in Delphi. It is interesting to note, however, that no one really knows exactly what it looked like when it was intact or even its real purpose; even the erect columns are but restorations from the original.
For the first time in several days we were blessed with interesting clouds and a promise of much needed rain. The wind was howling and the smell of rain filled the air. So I hastened my step and hurried down the path from the main road to get to these structures before the downpour made it to our area. Thankfully, the fear of wet hair and damp clothes scared most visitors and made the area free of pesky and unsightly tourists. The area was mine! At least until the water came down.
These image is a blending of three different exposures to help maximize the dynamic range. One exposure for the sky, one for the mountains and foliage, and one for the highlights including the columns.
Aperture f / 22
Exposure: Manual
ISO: 100
Flash did not fire
Focal Length: 40mm
Camera: Canon EOS 5DS
Lens: Canon 24 - 105mm L
Processing Tools used: Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop CC, NIK's Define (noise reduction), Color Efex Pro (for detail enhancement and other adjustments)